Before we try to patch Closure Library, I would still like to examine a
simple test case.  I think it would help me understand the problem.  I
thought that folks who created custom IEventDispatchers without extending
EventDispatcher wrapped an EventDispatcher and passed in a reference to
the instance to that EventDispatcher.  Are you saying it didn't work at
all in JS?  Or just in some scenario?


On 8/31/16, 4:47 PM, "Greg Dove" <> wrote:

>"I guess we need something on goog's EventTarget that is more
>setExternalTarget and that is only used for the , not for the
>fireListeners call. "
>This type of change to their eventtarget.js works [1] and all that is
>needed is a change to setTargetForTesting(target) to be
>setTargetForTesting(target,true) in our constructor. Then that hack I
>is no longer needed.
>I have not issued any request against closure lib there yet, but can do so
>if you think it is best (I don't know how it will be received). I'm not
>entirely comfortable doing this on behalf of Apache Flex, so would prefer
>if someone on the team did it.
>I can't see another simpler way around this (which doesn't mean there
>one!). I definitely didn't want to put that method in the interface
>it would deviate from flash.
>On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 10:03 AM, Greg Dove <> wrote:
>>  Alex, I just issued a PR that lets you easily see the problem (along
>> a fix for ant script for the manual test).
>> I had a quick look inside eventtarget.js and it seems pretty clear to
>> eventtarget.js#L349
>> it is calling currentTarget.fireListeners and in the most basic case for
>> proxy event dispatching, this is the same as the 'targetForTesting'
>> requires that fireListeners is implemented on the alternate target.
>> when a subclass inherits EventDispatcher, currentTarget will always
>> be 'this' and so the same instance EventTarget's fireListeners method is
>> called directly.
>> all the other variables and functions are referenced via 'this' which
>> would correctly resolve inside the proxy EventDispatcher instance,
>> they would all obviously be inherited if the class extends the flexjs
>> EventDispatcher.
>> I guess we need something on goog's EventTarget that is more
>> setExternalTarget and that is only used for the , not for
>> fireListeners call.
>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 3:51 AM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
>>> On 8/31/16, 12:43 AM, "Greg Dove" <> wrote:
>>> >I observed that issue when implementing  IEventdispatcher i.e. when
>>> >EventDispatcher constructor has an IEventDispatcher argument - so not
>>> >statics. This is not seen when extending EventDispatcher, but in that
>>> case
>>> >the subclass would presumably inherit that method from goog
>>> >So
>>> >that setCurrentTarget method in the constructor did not seem to be the
>>> >complete answer here... that extra hack in the constructor just got
>>> things
>>> >working for works as is but I don't like it.
>>> Interesting.  Do you have a simple test case we can look at?  Looking
>>> the EventTarget code, I would think there would be other functions and
>>> variables that need propagation.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Alex

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