Yes. I’m pretty sure it’s used to implicitly convert a qname into a proper 
string representation to an XML name. This can be in client code such as var 
foo:String = It’s also used in XML.toAttributeName().

On Sep 19, 2016, at 9:35 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> Hi,
> FlexJS has a Qname class.  Looks like it is mostly used in XML.  It has a
> toString() that adds a "::" between the uri and localname.  Is toString()
> being used anywhere?
> I want to change Qname.toString() to produce a valid JS identifier.  Then
> I can use Qname outside of XML.  If mx_internal which is a namespace used
> in a qname has the uri of ""; is used in
> Qname(mx_internal, "baz"), you currently get a toString() of
> "";.  I believe that ':' and "/" and '.' are
> not valid in JS identifiers, so I would just replace them all with "_"
> (yes, I know I could URIEncode them, but it makes it less readable) so the
> result would be "http___www_a_com_foo_bar_baz".
> This would allow us to support
> mx_internal function baz()
> Which would then cross compile to:
> someClass.prototype.http___www_a_com_foo_bar_baz = function()
> And access like
> Var baz:Qname = Qname(mx_internal, "baz");
> someClass[baz] would then work.
> Thoughts?
> -Alex

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