Hi guys,

today I wanted to get dirty again and started importing the SVN dump os 
AS3-commons provided by google-code and managed to import that into a clean GIT 
repo, while keeping the commit history in tact.

After finishing this, I worked on updating the configuration:

- Updated the version of all modules to 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT

- Updated all Flex dependencies to Apache Flex 4.15.0

- Updated all Flash dependencies to 20.0

- Updated all Air dependencies to 20.0

- Updated to Apache Flexunit 4.3.0-SNAPSHOT

- Updated to Flexmojos 7.1.0

Right now both the code and the tests compile without errors. The tests will 
probably not run at the moment. And you currently will need to manually provide 
quite a set of third party dependencies.

The next steps needed will be:

- Get the tests to pass

- Try to get the third party dependencies to maven central

- Sort out any licensing stuff.

I did get in contact with the maintainer of AS3 commons and he is delighted 
that we would like to continue the project and he doesn't have any objections 
to us including as3-commons to Apache Flex, but I guess we would have to do 
some legal housekeeping before doing that.

Right now I added a repo to my Github account and it's available at:


<https://github.com/chrisdutz/as3-commons>So feel free to play with it.


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