to separate things:

Such as?  Depending on your layout, left, top, width, and height will be
> set in CSS.  In UIBase, setting the x value sets style.left, etc.  If
> there is an alternative, please let me know what it is.
> -Alex
I get this:

<div style="position: relative;"><span class="Label" style="white-space:
nowrap; cursor: default; pointer-events: none;">some text</span><button
type="button" class="TextButton" style="position: relative;">a

from this:

        <js:Label text="some text"/>
        <js:TextButton text="a button"/>

in my MDLExample (take into account that I use exclude default CSS compiler

So as you see there's lots of "style" properties above that should not be.

The right output should be:

<div><span class="Label">some text</span><button type="button"
class="TextButton">a button</button></div>

So as I use compiler option exclude default css file I ensure my app only
has the css I put, and not carry anything I don't want.

why this is happen? To take only one example. In js:Container line 104
there's: = 'relative';

this should remove from there and put in defaults.css line 93

   position = 'relative';

Do you agree with that?

I could do that refactor if you want

Carlos Rovira

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