My bad; I completely missed the FlexJS mention in the subject header.

 You can probably ignore most of what I Said.

On 12/9/2016 2:09 PM, Peter Ent wrote:
Thanks for the details. I know we can include the assets, I'm just not
show how we [will] do it with FlexJS build files; and I'll take a look at


On 12/9/16, 12:07 PM, "Jeffry Houser" <> wrote:

On 12/9/2016 9:57 AM, Peter Ent wrote:

I've re-worked ComboBox so that it uses TextInput, Button, and List (as
its pop-up). The original version had a lot of platform-specific code
and just wasn't working cleanly. This new version is much better IMO. I
still have to figure out how to decorate the button with an arrow.
  If it is helpful; when creating the Flextras Mobile Drop Down; I used
FXG images for the down arrow and used those to decorate the button:


  The Flextras code is released under an Apache License; so feel free to
reuse at your discretion.


  I'm pretty sure the down arrow in the sample is from these files:
DownArrow_down_default.fxg and DownArrow_down_default.fxg.

I'm thinking of an ImageButton, but I'm not sure where the image file
should live since this would be part of a component in a SWC
  You should be able to include anything in the SWC; including image
files.  In Flash Builder there was an option in properties somewhere to
put non-compiled assets into the final SWC. I assume it relates back to
a compiler argument of sorts if you're using command line tools

Jeffry Houser
Technical Entrepreneur

Jeffry Houser
Technical Entrepreneur

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