On 1/9/17, 10:43 PM, "piotrz" <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Sorry View code should be this one -> https://paste.apache.org/bPbC

I didn't see this until I'd already replied.

So when you dispatch "valueChanged" and had [Bindable("valueChanged")] on
anyClass you were telling the binding system that anyClass changed when
really, the instance of anyClass did not change and only fieldA changed.
And the binding system worked.  It saw the change event and updated the
binding (although it occurred to me just now that it should have created a
SimpleBinding instead of a GenericBinding).

For this view, if you use just [Bindable] on anyClass, I'm not sure what
the compiler will generate, but it probably doesn't matter since the only
thing changing is fieldA.  When fieldA changes, a valueChange should be
dispatched and picked up by the PropertyWatcher and that should cause an
update of lbl.txt.  So the question is, did the code for fieldA dispatch
an event and did PropertyWatcher see it?

Thanks for digging into it.

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