On 2/13/17, 2:22 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> Yep.  I think because of PAYG, nobody is watching for the event, so you
>> have to add code to wire the event to some code that will re-draw the
>> background.  And whatever pattern of code that is could go in a new bead
>> similar to LayoutChangeNotifier and be baked into the Express package.
>So I need a RedrawNotificer similar to LayoutChangeNotifier?


>What event do I need to dispatch to redraw a component or is it more
>complex than that?

A bit more complex for SWFs.  JS it should just work.  The default
background color bead (SolidBackgroundBead) for SWF doesn't check for
changes.  Again, that's due to PAYG.  So there might need to be a
SolidBackgroundWithChangeListenersBead that would fetch the color on some
change event.


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