Hi Piotr,

thanks for introducing the UpgradeElement bead. I saw that Button and
TextField add this element by default.
But that breaks IMHO the concept of PAYG. many people can use a button
without the need to have always that bead added. For me is the same example
that with TextField and Prompt or DisplayAsPassword. Is not needed 100% of

do you agree?


2017-02-21 13:24 GMT+01:00 sankar <santanu4...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Piotr,
> On a separate thought, this following throws me error in "bin-release"
> version, but "bin-debug" doing good.
> >       if ("componentHandler" in document.defaultView)
> >         {
> >
> > document.defaultView["componentHandler"].upgradeElement(c.positioner);
> >         }
> I don't know what path you choose to update the window DOM, but you may
> want
> to keep an eye on "bin-release" version. The above code throws me exception
> as this:
> TypeError: document.defaultView.componentHandler.Cf is not a function
> Thanks!
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-flex-
> development.2333347.n4.nabble.com/FlexJS-MDL-Dynamic-Child-
> Problem-tp59595p59708.html
> Sent from the Apache Flex Development mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


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