Another place where things differ is member variables:

public var a:String;

On the SWF side, this variable defaults to null. On the JS side, it
defaults to undefined right now.

In the case of a member variable, we could set it to null by default on the
JS side to make it more consistent.

For your case, it's a little more tricky, though. Maybe something like
this, if the type on the left side is anything except *? (Numbers and
boolean would need special behavior too, though)

var propA:Object = a.prop || null;

That could have memory or performance implications. Sometimes, trying to
achieve perfect behavior parity can be too expensive. Needs benchmarking
and careful analysis to see if it's worth it, I guess!

- Josh

On Jun 2, 2017 5:20 PM, "Justin Mclean" <> wrote:


OK the issue is that we getting different results for AS and JS.

For code like this:
var a:Object = {};
var propA:Object = a.prop;
var propB:* = a.prop;
if (propA === undefined) {
        trace("A undefined");
if (propA === null) {
        trace("A null");
if (propB === undefined) {
        trace("B undefined");
if (propB === null) {
        trace("B null");

On AS we get:
A null
B undefined

On JS we get:
A undefined
B undefined

Which is obvious when you look at the generated code:
 var /** @type {Object} */ a = {};
 var /** @type {Object} */ propA = a.prop;
 var /** @type {*} */ propB = a.prop;

So I’m guessing the compiler should be doing something different with this
 var /** @type {Object} */ propA = a.prop;

So it returns null rather than undefined?


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