I discovered an issue with “for each” in the XML classes:

Currently, for each does the following:

The following AS code:

var fooList:XMLList = getFooList();
for each(var foo:XML in fooList){

outputs the following JS:

var /** @type {XMLList} */ fooList = this.getFooList();
var foreachiter57_target = fooList;
for (var foreachiter57 in foreachiter57_target.elementNames()) 
var foo = foreachiter57_target.child(foreachiter57);

The problem is with the line:
var foo = foreachiter57_target.child(foreachiter57);

foo should be of type XML. According to the ECMA spec for E4X, 
XML.prototype.child and XMLList.prototype.child both ALWAYS return an XMLList 
and not an XML object. This is true even if the argument fed into child is an 
integer. So myXMLList.child(“0”) will return an XMLList with one XML element 
which is the first element of the original XMLList. We need the actual XML 
object at the specified index without the XMLList wrapper.

There are three ways I can see to fix this problem:

1. Ignore the spec and return an XML object when the argument is an integer.
2. Change the compiler output to: var foo = 
foreachiter57_target[foreachiter57]; Bracket access to XMLList returns an XML 
3. Add a new function to use instead of child() (i.e. getChild()).



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