I discovered that the documentation on the top level functions is wrong.

According to the docs[1] the only valid expressions for XML and XMLList are: 
XML, XMLList, Boolean, Number and String. Anything else is supposed to throw an 

What actually happens is that null and undefined are simply swallowed and you 
get an empty XML text node object. Everything else simply has toString() called 
on it, so if you pass in an Object which does not have an implementation of 
toString(), you’ll get a text node with a value of [object Object].

In my tests, new XML() and XML() behave identically.

That’s not what I’d call great behavior…

So the question is what to do. What I think makes sense is to make toXML() 
behave like the docs and new XML() behave like the observed behavior. At the 
least for null and undefined. There needs to be a way to instantiate an empty 
XML object. I’m on the fence about objects. I’m leaning toward always throwing 
an error if the argument is an object.




> On Jul 18, 2017, at 8:20 AM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I’ll try to write these functions today.

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