Thanks, Mark.

I think I've done all the right stuff. As I started to do it, I began to
remember doing it once before for SSH. I've been waiting awhile and still
get permission denied, so I'll just keep waiting. I'm pretty sure I sent
my key to a public key server. I'll go out for coffee and I hope it works
when I get back.


On 9/13/17, 1:22 PM, "Mark Thomas" <> wrote:

>On 13/09/2017 18:05, Peter Ent wrote:
>> I get permission denied (public key). I remember having to set up
>> something for the old people site (I think) and have been trying to hunt
>> down the instructions.
>You should be able to set up your key through
>You then need to allow enough time (I think it is about an hour) for the
>public key to sync to the servers you have access to. Then you should be
>able to sftp to home.a.o.
>> ‹peter
>> On 9/13/17, 12:49 PM, "Alex Harui" <> wrote:
>>> Should just be:
>>>  sftp
>>> Hope you remember your passphrase.
>>> -Alex
>>> On 9/13/17, 9:16 AM, "Peter Ent" <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Does anyone have the instructions on how to set up access to your
>>>> space? I've looked on the site and all I
>>>> find are instructions about the old I guess I
>>>> accessed my since I set up my newer computer.
>>>> I'm going to update my ASDocs info to point to our FlexJS ASDocs app
>>>> since Google is pointing to my old ASDoc and it needs to be more
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Peter

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