The setter for element is in HTMLElementWrapper, the super class for
UIBase. The setter for flexes_wrapper is in UIBase. So if the element
setter were to also set the flexjs_wrapper, it would have to be an
override in UIBase to do it. At least that¹s how I understand it.

Could you elaborate a little more on the issue that is raising this

Your question made me scan through these classes. Looking at this code now
makes me think we can do a better and more consistent job organizing it
for Royale. After all, having code that can be quickly understood and
modified is important.


On 9/26/17, 7:13 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

>Currently, setting the element of a IUIBase will not work correctly
>because the flexjs_wrapper is not set. This makes it error prone when
>there¹s a need to work with the underlying DOM elements for HTML output.
>I cannot think of a reason why the wrapper should not be set when calling
>the element setter. Instead of setting the flexjs_wrapper in
>createElement(), it seems to me that it should be set in the element
>setter in HTMLElementWrapper.
>Anyone have a reason not to do this?

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