Leader dots are a hard one.

Ideally, the FTE should support leader dots in TextLines. Unfortunately, that’s 
not a feature FTW supports, so the only way to draw dot leaders would be to use 
the BackgroundManager to draw them. Getting the correct location, size etc. of 
the leader dots is not a simple problem.

> On Dec 22, 2017, at 5:19 PM, hferreira <hferreira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm developing leader dots for TLF engine (see:
> https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Show-dots-or-leaders-between-tabs-c80b62d0-2244-4078-95bd-8c82f91440ba?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US)
> The InsertTextOperation requires the SelectionState parameter (the location
> in the textFlow to insert a string.
> I would to insert a dote " . " at the end of the current cursor line.
> I can get the current line (TextFlowLine and from that, the current
> TextLine).
> I can also get the current cursor position from the begining of the line but
> I can't get the current position from the very begining of the textFlow in
> the other words what I need is the cursor position of the end of the current
> line.
> If someone could point me the right direction, would me a major help.
> Thank you,
> Hugo.
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-flex-development.2333347.n4.nabble.com/

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