Hi Janani!

Do I understand you correctly in that you want a Flink stream source that
receives UDP datagrams and turns them into Flink DataStream?

Such a thing is not in there, yet. The interface to define custom data
sources is rather simple, though, it should be possible to add something
like this.

Two things are not clear to me however:

1) Where are the datagrams sent to? That would need to be the point where
the data source runs.

2) You need a way of turning the datagrams (which are just bytes) into
records. Would that be hard-wired in your case?

So, while probably possible, I would guess a UDP source has quite a few
downsides over a message queue as a source. Using something like Kafka to
communicate the source data is easier and better recoverable.

Does your setup allow to put the data into Kafka and having Flink read the
streams from Kafka?

 Am 25.03.2015 19:20 schrieb "Janani Chakkaradhari" <janani.cs...@gmail.com

> ​Hi,
> Does Flink's streaming api has support for
> ​ reading streams of data via Java UDP (DatagramSocket)? If so kindly
> advise me in which release of Flink I can find it.
> Thanks,
> Janani

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