Hi Greg,

It would be very interesting to do a profiling of the job master to
see what it mostly spends time on. Did you run your experiments with
0.9.X or the 0.10-SNAPSHOT? Would be interesting to know if there is a


On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> there is no official guide for running Flink on large clusters. As far as I
> know, the cluster we used for the matrix factorization was the largest
> cluster we've run a serious job on. Thus, it would be highly interesting to
> understand what made the JobManager to slow down. At some point, though,
> this should happen since the JobManager always stays a single instance. Do
> you have by chance access to the JobManager log file? This might be helpful.
> Thanks for your help,
> Till
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 11:06 PM, Greg Hogan <c...@greghogan.com> wrote:
>> Is there guidance for configuring Flink on large clusters? I have recently
>> been working to benchmark some algorithms on and test AWS. I had no issues
>> running on a 16 node cluster but when moving to 64 nodes the JobManager
>> struggled mightily. It did not look to be parallelizing its workload. I was
>> in the process of modifying my code to reduce the parallelism of earlier,
>> smaller operations when I lost the cluster due to a spot price increase.
>> The instances were c3.8xlarge and in the larger cluster one instance hosted
>> the JobManager so the parallelism was 63 * 32 = 2016. The small cluster had
>> parallelism of 512.
>> I have seen the blog posts describing the performance of 640 core clusters
>> on GCE. Is this a known limitation or can Flink scale much further?
>> http://data-artisans.com/computing-recommendations-at-extreme-scale-with-apache-flink/
>> http://data-artisans.com/how-to-factorize-a-700-gb-matrix-with-apache-flink/
>> Thanks,
>> Greg

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