FLIP ?? Really? :D



On 06/28/2016 06:26 PM, Aljoscha Krettek wrote:
> I'm proposing to add a formal process for how we deal with (major)
> improvements to Flink and design docs. This has been mentioned several
> times recently but we never took any decisive action to actually implement
> such a process so here we go.
> Right now, we have Jira issues and we sometimes we have design docs that we
> keep in Google Docs. Jamie recently added links to those that he could find
> on the mailing list to the Flink wiki:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Apache+Flink+Home. The
> problem with these is that a) the comments on the Google Docs are not
> reflected in Jira and the mailing list. There has been some very active
> discussion on some of the docs that most people would never notice. The
> community therefore might seem less active than it actually is. b) the
> documents are not very discoverable, if we had a clearly defined place
> where we put them and also prominently link to this on the Flink homepage
> this would greatly help people that try to find out about current
> developments.
> Kafka has a process like this:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+Improvement+Proposals.
> They call it KIP, for Kafka Improvement Proposal. We could either adapt
> this for Flink or come up with our own process. Doing the former would save
> us a lot of time and I don't think the Kafka community would mind us
> copying their process. The subject also hints at this, our process could be
> called FLIP, for Flink Improvement Proposal.
> What do you think? Feedback is highly welcome. :-)
> Cheers,
> Aljoscha

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