Nice idea, I like that. I'll join with some HEADS-UP:

  - Till and me started working on FLIP-6 (rework the Yarn/Mesos/standalone
mode) together with some contributors from Alibaba. The work is currently
in a feature branch.

  - As part of that rework, we experimented with a new RPC abstraction that
builds on top of Akka. Think of it as "Flink-flavored typed actors". It has
actually turned out to be very helpful, we plan to write about it in a bit
(once it has converged)

  - Other than that, Ufuk and me did some work on unifying checkpoints and
savepoints. That will make it easier to recover on another cluster from a
regular checkpoint (in case the system gets stuck) and that a regular
savepoint will be used for recovery in the program that created it.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 10:34 PM, Aljoscha Krettek <>

> Hi Folks,
> I just had an idea that I want to try now. The idea is to give little
> HEADS-UP emails roughly at the beginning of each week. I would give a very
> short summary of the big points that I want to work on for that week and if
> others want to jump in they can also quickly outline what they are doing.
> The reason I'm proposing this is that it can be hard to follow what is
> going on in Flink. One could try and follow all the Jira issues and see who
> is assigned to what but that would only give a rough indication. Currently,
> people are working away on a new feature, sometimes for several weeks,
> until they make a big code drop in a PR. I though it would be nice to know
> roughly who's doing what. This would also give people the opportunity to
> get involved in something if they find it interesting. If people find this
> interesting I'll try and do this every week from now on.
> Here goes my first heads-up: This (and the last weeks) week Stefan and I
> have been working on the issues around
> We were mostly
> resurrecting an old PR from Till. Now we got it into good shape, we just
> opened a big PR ( that
> introduces
> API for key-groups and support in some layers. For the rest of the week,
> we're planning to refactor the state backends to make them work with
> key-group aware state.
> Happy coding :-)
> Aljoscha

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