I think you're referring to the implementation of some of Flink's modules,

If that is the case, then the rule of thumb is that we want to use Java for
the low level runtime implementations. For the API implementations it is a
case to case decision. The Scala API, for example is of course implemented
in Scala. For other APIs we tend to use Scala only if it gives a clear
advantage over a Java implementation.

If your question is more like which Flink API to use (either Java or Scala
API), then it's completely up to you and your preferences.


On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 8:21 AM, 时某人 <shijinkui...@163.com> wrote:

> Scala and Java mixed in the module. Some Flink API indeed make someone
> confused.
> What is rule about  the current Scala and Java API at the first implement
> time?
> Thanks

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