Hi Anton,

I would also support the idea of moving Row and RowTypeInfo to Flink core. I think there are many real-world use cases where a variable-length record that supports null values is required. However, I think that those classes needs to be reworked before. They should not depend on Scala-related things.

RowTypeInfo should not inherit from CaseClassTypeInfo, the current solution with the dummy field names is a hacky solution anyway. Row should not inherit from Scala classes.


Am 24/11/16 um 16:46 schrieb Anton Solovev:

In Scala case classes can store huge count of fields, it's really helpful for 
reading wide csv files, but It uses only in table api.

what about this issue (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-2186), 
should we use table api in machine learning library?

To solve the issue #readCsvFile can generate RowInputFormat.

For commodity I added another one constructor in RowTypeInfo 

What do you think about add some scala and moving Row to Flink core?

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