Hi there,

I am very happy about Flink 1.2 release. It was much more robust and
feature rich compare to previous versions. In the following section, I
would like to discuss a non typical use case in flink community.

With ever increasing popularity of micro services[1] to scale out popular
online services. Various aspect of source of truth is stored (a.k.a
partitioned) behind various of service rpc endpoints. There is a general
need of managing events traversal and enrichment throughout org SOA
systems. (SOA) It is no longer part of data infrastructure scope, where
traditionally known as batched slow and analytic(small % lossy is okay).
Flink might also find a fit into core services as well.

It's part of online production services, serving directly from mobile
client events more importantly services database post commit logs and
orchestrate adhoc stream toplogies to transform and transfer between online
services(usually backed by databases and serving request response with
stragent latency requirement)

Use case:
user updates comes from mobile client via kafka topic, which consumed both
by user service as well as streaming job. When streaming job do RPC and
trying to enrich user information, it cause race condition which turns out
database persistence is not as speedy as streaming job.

In general, streaming job should consume user service commit logs instead
of karfka topic which defines as source of truth in term of user
information. Is there a general way to couple with these issues?

P.S I was able to build task manager as jar package and deployed to
production environment. Instead of using YARN to manage warehouse machines.
Utilize same deployment environment as other online services as docker. So
far, it seems running smoothly.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microservices
[2] https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html

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