Hi Eron,

I think after Dropping support for Java 7 we will move to Akka 2.4+, so we 
should be good there. I think quite some users should find a (more) secure 
Flink interesting.

> On 24. Jul 2017, at 03:11, Eron Wright <eronwri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, now might be a good time to revisit an important enhancement to
> Flink security, so-called service authorization.   This means the hardening
> of a Flink cluster against unauthorized use with some sort of
> authentication and authorization scheme.   Today, Flink relies entirely on
> network isolation to protect itself from unauthorized job submission and
> control, and to protect the secrets contained within a Flink cluster.
> This is a problem in multi-user environments like YARN/Mesos/K8.
> Last fall, an effort was made to implement service authorization but the PR
> was ultimately rejected.   The idea was to add a simple secret key to all
> network communication between the client, JM, and TM.   Akka itself has
> such a feature which formed the basis of the solution.  There are usability
> challenges with this solution, including a dependency on SSL.
> Since then, the situation has evolved somewhat, and the use of SSL mutual
> authentication is more viable.   Mutual auth is supported in Akka 2.4.12+
> (or could be backported to Flakka).  My proposal is:
> 1. Upgrade Akka or backport the functionality to Flakka (see commit
> 5d03902c5ec3212cd28f26c9b3ef7c3b628b9451).
> 2. Implement SSL on any endpoint that doesn't yet support it (e.g.
> queryable state).
> 3. Enable mutual auth in Akka and implement it on non-Akka endpoints.
> 4. Implement a simple authorization layer that accepts any authenticated
> connection.
> 5. (stretch) generate and store a certificate automatically in YARN mode.
> 6. (stretch) Develop an alternate authentication method for the Web UI.
> Are folks interested in this capability?  Thoughts on the use of SSL mutual
> auth versus something else?  Thanks!
> -Eron

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