+1, I think it will be a very great tool for Flink, especially the creating new 
state part. On production, we’re really worried about the availability of the 
savepoints, because the generating logic is inside Flink and we don’t have a 
good way to validate it. But with this tool, we can construct a new state for 
our programs very soon even if the savepoints data is broken.
It’s great, thanks!

Original Message
Sender:Jamie grierjgr...@lyft.com
Date:Saturday, Aug 18, 2018 02:32
Subject:Re: [Proposal] Utilities for reading, transforming and 
creatingStreaming savepoints

This is great, Gyula! A colleague here at Lyft has also done some work around 
bootstrapping DataStream programs and we've also talked a bit about doing this 
by running DataSet programs. On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 3:28 AM, Gyula Fóra 
gyula.f...@gmail.com wrote:  Hi All!   I want to share with you a little 
project we have been working on at King  (with some help from some dataArtisans 
folks). I think this would be a  valuable addition to Flink and solve a bunch 
of outstanding production  use-cases and headaches around state bootstrapping 
and state analytics.   We have built a quick and dirty POC implementation on 
top of Flink 1.6,  please check the README for some nice examples to get a 
quick idea:   https://github.com/king/bravo   *Short story*  Bravo is a 
convenient state reader and writer library leveraging the  Flink’s batch 
processing capabilities. It supports processing and writing  Flink streaming 
savepoints. At the moment it only supports processing  RocksDB savepoints but 
this can be extended in the future for other state  backends and checkpoint 
types.   Our goal is to cover a few basic features:   - Converting keyed states 
to Flink DataSets for processing and analytics  - Reading/Writing non-keyed 
operators states  - Bootstrap keyed states from Flink DataSets and create new 
valid  savepoints  - Transform existing savepoints by replacing/changing some 
states    Some example use-cases:   - Point-in-time state analytics across all 
operators and keys  - Bootstrap state of a streaming job from external 
resources such as  reading from database/filesystem  - Validate and potentially 
repair corrupted state of a streaming job  - Change max parallelism of a job    
Our main goal is to start working together with other Flink production  users 
and make this something useful that can be part of Flink. So if you  have 
use-cases please talk to us :)  I have also started a google doc which contains 
a little bit more info than  the readme and could be a starting place for 
dhqBMr-ppkFL5E/edit?usp=sharing   I know there are a bunch of rough edges and 
bugs (and no tests) but our  motto is: If you are not embarrassed, you released 
too late :)   Please let me know what you think!   Cheers,  Gyula

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