
I have encountered a weird issue. When constructing a Table Query with CASE
Statements, like below:
.append("CASE ")
.append("WHEN aggrcat = '0' AND botcode='r4'  THEN 'monitoring' ")
.append("WHEN aggrcat = '1' AND botcode='r4' THEN 'aggregator' ")
.append("WHEN aggrcat = '2' AND botcode='r4' THEN 'social network' ")
 .append("WHEN botcode='r0' OR botcode='r8' THEN 'crawler' ")

Followed by converting to a stream:
DataStream<Row> ds = tableEnv.toAppendStream(table_name, Row.Class)

I can see that while I print this, it takes the length of the longest
string of all the four categories and appends spaces till that length.
Eg. Crawler is of length of the biggest string [social network mayb].

This affects when my data is sinked to ES. The fields are appended with
empty spaces, which affects the querying.

I know i can do a simple split to eliminate these spaces in my code, but
just curious to understand why this behavior. It becomes cumbersome to
maintain code this way and for readability as well.


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