Hi Stephan,

big +1 for adding statefun to Apache Flink.

I think we can add it in the main repository as a library just like State
Process API.
Having it in the main repository can closely co-develop with Apache Flink
which be beneficial for both side.


On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 at 19:12, Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Stephan,
> +1 for adding stateful functions to Flink. I believe the new set of
> applications this feature will unlock will be super interesting for new and
> existing Flink users alike.
> One reason for not including it in the main repository would to not being
> bound to Flink's release cadence. This would allow to release faster and
> more often. However, I believe that having it eventually in Flink's main
> repository would be beneficial in the long run.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 12:56 PM Trevor Grant <trevor.d.gr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> +1 non-binding on contribution.
>> Separate repo, or feature branch to start maybe? I just feel like in the
>> beginning this thing is going to have lots of breaking changes that maybe
>> aren't going to fit well with tests / other "v1+" release code. Just my
>> .02.
>> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 4:38 AM Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Dear Flink Community!
>>> Some of you probably heard it already: On Tuesday, at Flink Forward
>>> Berlin, we announced **Stateful Functions**.
>>> Stateful Functions is a library on Flink to implement general purpose
>>> applications. It is built around stateful functions (who would have thunk)
>>> that can communicate arbitrarily through messages, have consistent
>>> state, and a small resource footprint. They are a bit like keyed
>>> ProcessFunctions
>>> that can send each other messages.
>>> As simple as this sounds, this means you can now communicate in non-DAG
>>> patterns, so it allows users to build programs they cannot build with Flink.
>>> It also has other neat properties, like multiplexing of functions,
>>> modular composition, tooling both container-based deployments and
>>> as-a-Flink-job deployments.
>>> You can find out more about it here
>>>   - Website: https://statefun.io/
>>>   - Code: https://github.com/ververica/stateful-functions
>>>   - Talk with motivation:
>>> https://speakerdeck.com/stephanewen/stateful-functions-building-general-purpose-applications-and-services-on-apache-flink?slide=12
>>> Now for the main issue: **We would like to contribute this project to
>>> Apache Flink**
>>> I believe that this is a great fit for both sides.
>>> For the Flink community, it would be a way to extend the capabilities
>>> and use cases of Flink into a completely different type of applications and
>>> thus grow the community into this new field.
>>> Many discussions recently about evolving the Flink runtime (both on the
>>> mailing list and at conferences) show the interest in Flink users in the
>>> space that Stateful Functions covers.
>>> It seems natural that Stateful Functions should closely co-develop with
>>> Apache Flink, ideally as part of the project.
>>> There are many details to be discusses, for example whether this should
>>> be added to the Flink core repository, or whether we and to create a
>>> separate repository
>>> for this. But I think we should start discussing this after we have
>>> consensus on whether the community wants this contribution.
>>> Really looking forward to hear what you think!
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Stephan

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