Hi all,

I'd like to propose introduce flink-connector-hive-xx modules.

We have documented the dependencies detailed information[2]. But still has
some inconvenient:
- Too many versions, users need to pick one version from 8 versions.
- Too many versions, It's not friendly to our developers either, because
there's a problem/exception, we need to look at eight different versions of
hive client code, which are often various.
- Too many jars, for example, users need to download 4+ jars for Hive 1.x
from various places.

We have discussed in [1] and [2], but unfortunately, we can not achieve an

For improving this, I'd like to introduce few flink-connector-hive-xx
modules in flink-connectors, module contains all the dependencies related
to hive. And only support lower hive metastore versions:
- "flink-connector-hive-1.2" to support hive 1.0.0 - 1.2.2
- "flink-connector-hive-2.0" to support hive 2.0.0 - 2.0.1
- "flink-connector-hive-2.2" to support hive 2.1.0 - 2.2.0
- "flink-connector-hive-2.3" to support hive 2.3.0 - 2.3.6
- "flink-connector-hive-3.1" to support hive 3.0.0 - 3.1.2

Users can choose one and download to flink/lib. It includes all hive things.

I try to use a single module to deploy multiple versions, but I can not
find a suitable way, because different modules require different versions
and different dependencies.

What do you think?


Jingsong Lee

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