The parameter "state.backend.fs.memory-threshold" decides when a state will
become a file and when it will be stored inline with the metadata (to avoid
excessive amounts of small files).

By default, this threshold is 1K - so every state above that size becomes a
file. For many cases, this threshold seems to be too low.
There is an interesting talk with background on this from Scott Kidder:

I wanted to discuss increasing this to 100K by default.

  - This should help many users out of the box, which otherwise see
checkpointing problems on systems like S3, GCS, etc.

  - For very large jobs, this increases the required heap memory on the JM
side, because more state needs to be kept in-line when gathering the acks
for a pending checkpoint.
  - If tasks have a lot of states and each state is roughly at this
threshold, we increase the chance of exceeding the RPC frame size and
failing the job.

What do you think?


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