Could you please share with us the actual code that you are running.
Possibly without any debug statements. As I said in my first reply, I
can not rely relate the stack trace with the code you sent us. Moreover
in the code you sent us I can not see a way it could throw an Exception
at the line you annotated with: /*It's hitting nullpointer exception
when printing the size of hashmpa*/. You are accessing a local variable
in the function. It must not throw nullpointer exception (unless there
is something weird about Hashmap. Again I don't necessarily know what is
that class. It might be a typo and you meant HashMap or it is some class
that I don't know.)

Without an actual code that fails I am afraid we will not be able to
help you much. From the information I got so far I can only be guessing
you might be making wrong assumption on the order in which the
processElement and processBroadcast are called. As Kostas mentioned in
his response. There is no guarantee about the order of the two sides.



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