"It is a more conservative approach to introduce that in a
new method rather than changing the existing one under the hood and
potentially break existing pipelines silently”

I like the idea actually, but if ChangelogMode.INSERT is the default, existing 
pipelines should be compatible. We can see the other kinds of ChangelogMode as 
an extension.

“for `toDataStream` users need to be
able to express whether they would prefer Row, POJO or atomic”

I think most of the cases people do not need to convert the stream to a Row or 
POJO, because the table projection always returns a flatternned internal row, 
if people did want a POJO there, how about we bind the DataType to the existing 
schema, like this

toDataStream(table, schema.bindTo(DataType))

Danny Chan
在 2020年9月3日 +0800 PM3:18,dev@flink.apache.org,写道:
> It is a more conservative approach to introduce that in a
> new method rather than changing the existing one under the hood and
> potentially break existing pipelines silently

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