On 23.09.20 04:40, Yu Li wrote:
To be specific, with the old API users don't need to set checkpoint
storage, instead they only need to pass the checkpoint path w/o caring
about the storage. The new APIs are forcing users to set the storage so
they have to know the difference between different storages. It's not an
implementation change, but an API change that users have to understand and

I think the main point of the FLIP is to make it more obvious to users what is happening.

With current Flink, they would do a `setStateBackend(new FsStateBackend(<path>))`. What the user is actually "saying" with this is: I want to keep state on heap but store checkpoints in DFS. They are not actually changing the "State Backend", the thing that keeps state in operators, but only where state is checkpointed. The thing that is used for local state storage in operators is still the "Heap Backend".

With the proposed FLIP, a user would do a `setCheckpointStorage(new FsStorage(<path>))`. Which makes it obvious that they're changing where checkpoints are stored but not the actual "State Backend", which is still "Heap Backend" (the default).

I do understand Yu's point, though, that this will be confusing for current Flink users. They are used to setting a "State Backend" if/when they want to change the storage location. To fit the new model they would have to change the call from `setStateBackend()` to `setCheckpointStorage()`.

I think we need to life with this short-term confusion because in the long run the proposed split between checkpoint location and state backend makes sense and will be more straightforward for users to understand.


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