Thanks for the summary! I think we can now move towards a [VOTE] thread, right?

On 2021/01/15 13:43, Yun Gao wrote:
1) For the problem that the "new" root task coincidently finished before getting triggered successfully, we have listed two options in the FLIP-147[1], for the first version, now we are not tend to go with the first option that JM would re-compute and re-trigger new sources when it realized some tasks are not triggered successfully. This option would avoid the complexity of adding new PRC and duplicating task states, and in average case it would not cause too much overhead.

You wrote "we are *not* tend to go with the first option", but I think you meant wo write "we tend to *now* go with the first option", right? That's also how it is in the FLIP, I just wanted to clarify for the mailing list.

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