Thanks for creating the FLIP-223 and starting the discussion.

I have some quick questions.

# The TaskManager replicas

The TaskManager replicas need to be configured both for standalone session
and application. Because it could not be calculated if the parallelism is
set via java codes.

# How the JobManager and TaskManager pods are managed?

We could use k8s Deployment to manage the JobManager pods. Of cause, k8s
Job, StatefulSet also make sense.

What would you like to do for the TaskManager pods?

# Version support

Native support could work from 1.13 and I have created a ticket for this[1].

Considering the last-state upgrade mode, the K8s HA should be enabled. I am
afraid even standalone mode before 1.12 could not work.

Do you want to introduce the ZooKeeper HA or add some limitations for
version choice?




Jassat, Usamah <> 于2022年4月25日周一 18:25写道:

> Hi everyone,
> We would like to start the discussion of the adding standalone mode
> support to the Flink Kubernetes operator. Standalone mode was initially
> considered as part of FLIP-212 but decided to be out of scope to focus on
> Flink native k8s integration for that FLIP [1]. Standalone support will
> also open the door to supporting previous Flink versions in the operator
> which I would also like to open discussion about.
> I have created a FLIP with the details on the general changes that we are
> proposing:
> Looking forward to your feedback.
> Regards,
> Usamah
> [1]

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