Hey Jeremy,

Thanks for kicking off this discussion. As a Flink user, I too struggled
with the lack of HTTP support and rolled my own with AsyncIO. Reading
through the FLIP, I just have a few general questions and comments.

* It is not clear to me if multiple HTTP methods are supported or not? It's
listed in "Limitations" that only POSTs are allowed, but the constructor
accepts a "method" argument.
* More of a nit, the FLIP contains a lot of code, making it feel a bit more
like a PR already. It would be easier to understand the proposed interfaces
alone, and keep the implementation POC as a separate link IMO.

Since there are so many different types of HTTP APIs, and many different
ways of using them, I think the proposal would benefit from taking a more
general approach to both request building and response handling. For
instance, some APIs may return hints for retry that are not contained in
the status code alone (e.g., a "retry-after" header or such + a 429 status
code). Can we already think about how to more generally expose these two
concepts? For the retries, it might be too idealistic, but standardizing on
a retry interface like the one proposed in FLIP-232[1] would make these
aysnc/http APIs feel much more aligned.




On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 10:21 AM Ber, Jeremy <jd...@amazon.com.invalid>

> Hi there, We would like to start a discussion thread on FLIP-233:
> Introduce HTTP Connector<
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-233%3A+Introduce+HTTP+Connector>
> where we propose to create a connector for delivering arbitrary data
> packets from Apache Flink to an HTTP Endpoint.  This connector will give
> users flexibility to deliver data to any destination which supports REST
> endpoints. This includes REST APIs, Amazon Lambda, users internal or
> external consumers, among other options.
> Looking forward to your feedback.
> Thank you,
> Jeremy Ber

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