On behalf of the PMC, I'm happy to announce Yanfei Lei as a new Flink

Yanfei has been active in the Flink community for almost two years and has
played an important role in developing and maintaining State and Checkpoint
related features/components, including RocksDB Rescaling Performance
Improvement and Generic Incremental Checkpoints.

Yanfei also helps improve community infrastructure in many ways, including
migrating the Flink Daily performance benchmark to the Apache Flink slack
channel. She is the maintainer of the benchmark and has improved its
detection stability significantly. She is also one of the major maintainers
of the FrocksDB Repo and released FRocksDB 6.20.3 (part of Flink 1.17
release). Yanfei is a very active community member, supporting users and
in tons of discussions on the mailing lists.

Please join me in congratulating Yanfei for becoming a Flink Committer!

Yuan Mei (on behalf of the Flink PMC)

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