Hi Wencong

Thanks for driving the discussion, +1 for the proposal. I left two minor

1. Is the getTaskNameWithIndexAndAttemptNumber method a bit redundant? It
can be replaced by getTaskName + getTaskIndex + getAttemptNumber.
2. I think it would be better if we can explicitly specify the alternative
(based on TaskInfo/JobInfo) for each deprecated method


Wencong Liu <liuwencle...@163.com> 于2023年11月30日周四 14:50写道:

> Hi devs,
> I would like to start a discussion on FLIP-382: Unify the Provision
> of Diverse Metadata for Context-like APIs [1].
> In the Flink project, the context-like APIs are interfaces annotated by
> @Public and supply runtime metadata and functionalities to its modules and
> components. RuntimeContext is such an interface with 27 methods for
> accessing metadata and framework functionalities. Currently, any
> addition of metadata requires updating the RuntimeContext interface
> and all 12 of its implementation classes, leading to high code
> maintenance costs. To improve this, we propose to a categorize all
> metadata into some metadata classes and provide it through dedicated
> methods in context-like APIs. The newly provided metadata in context-like
> API will only require to update the metadata classes, not context-like API
> itself or it's implementations.
> Looking forward to your feedback.
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-382%3A+Unify+the+Provision+of+Diverse+Metadata+for+Context-like+APIs
> Best regards,
> Wencong Liu

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