Thanks for the efforts, Rui and Xuannan.

I think it's a good idea to migrate string-key configuration accesses to
ConfigOption-s in general.

I have a few suggestions / questions regarding the FLIP.

1. I think the default value for `TASK_MANAGER_LOG_PATH_KEY` should be "no
default". We can explain in the description that if not configured,
`System.getProperty("log.file")` will be used, but that is not a default

2. I wonder if the following string-keys can be simply removed? They are
neither set by Flink, nor documented anywhere (AFAIK) so that users know
how to set them. All of them were introduced a long time ago, require
significant knowledge and familiarity about Flink internals and low level
details in order to use, and some of them are even private. So I wonder if
we can simply mark them as deprecated and remove in 2.0.

3. Simply saying "getting / setting value with string key is discouraged"
in JavaDoc of get/setString is IMHO a bit confusing. People may have the
question why would we keep the discouraged interfaces at all. I would
suggest the following:
We encourage users and developers to always use ConfigOption for getting /
setting the configurations if possible, for its rich description, type,
default-value and other supports. The string-key-based getter / setter
should only be used when ConfigOption is not applicable, e.g., the key is
programmatically generated in runtime.




On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 4:12 PM Rui Fan <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Xuannan(cced) and I would like to start a discussion on FLIP-405:
> FLIP-405: Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption[1].
> As Flink progresses to 2.0, we want to enhance the user experience
> with the existing configuration. In FLIP-77, Flink introduced ConfigOption
> with DataType and strongly encourage users to utilize ConfigOption
> instead of string keys for accessing and setting Flink configurations.
> Presently, many string configuration keys have been deprecated and
> replaced with ConfigOptions; however, some string configuration
> keys are still in use.
> To ensure a better experience with the existing configuration in Flink
> 2.0,
> this FLIP will migrate all user-facing string configuration keys to
> ConfigOptions.
> Additionally, we want to modify the Configuration infrastructure to
> promote the use of ConfigOption over string configuration keys
> among developers and users. It's mentioned in a preview thread[2].
> Looking forward to everyone's feedback and suggestions, thank you!
> [1]
> [2]
> Best,
> Rui

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