Hi connector authors,

I'd like to bring a piece of information about the CI of connectors:

With the release of flink-connector-parent 1.1.0, you can now skip the archunit tests for a particular CI build as described here [1].

Indeed, each connector needs to be tested against last 2 minor versions of Flink but there is a single archunit rules violation store. Sometimes, the rules change between these 2 Flink versions and you need to freeze the violations store to tackle the violations later on. This change is useful to freeze the violation store and execute the archunit tests for the Flink version the connector was built against [2] but disable the archunit tests with the other Flink version [1].



[1] https://github.com/apache/flink-connector-shared-utils/blob/b5ad097df25973ad05d0d6af0f988b65b0d8cd22/.github/workflows/_testing.yml#L39

[2] https://github.com/apache/flink-connector-shared-utils/blob/b5ad097df25973ad05d0d6af0f988b65b0d8cd22/.github/workflows/_testing.yml#L46

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