On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 09:35 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
> Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > On Sun, 2005-04-24 at 23:15 -0700, Jason End wrote:
> > 
> >>I'm using MovableType to generate a news page for my
> >>site. Forrest then sucks the RSS into a weblog.xml
> >>file through a sitemap.xmap entry, as per the example
> >>on the Forrest site.
> >>
> >>Now I'd like that page to my main page. Ideally my
> >>main index.xml would contain the RSS feeds, but I
> >>don't see a way of limiting a sitemap directive to a
> >>single instance of a file. 
> >>
> >>The other option is to redirect index.html to
> >>weblog.html but I'm running Forrest with Jetty and
> >>can't see how to make redirects. 
> >>
> >>Any ideas?
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > The combination of view/viewHelper plugin is the solution we came up
> > with to solve this problem. 
> Hang on there. This is a much simpler use case if I understand 
> correctly. The index page *is* the RSS feed in this case, the solution 
> for that is the feeder plugin, so there is no need for the alpha 
> view/viewHelper.

Yeah your are right. view/vH is only needed if the rss feed should be
embedded in the overall design (and the feeder plugin needs to be
installed). Like having a document and a small box where links to feeds
are (the feed). The feeder will allow you having it on a document basis
(instead of your document content for this page). 

...but I guess the question remains how localhost:8888/feeder/index.html
becomes localhost:8888/index.html

> > Both plugins are in the whiteboard in svn. You may have a look. It is
> > pretty new and will come for 0.8 but you can test and gives us
> > feedback. ;-)
> Feeder will be part of the 0.7 release although it could do with some 
> work to make it a little more presentable. It is currently a simple 
> listing of RSS items. I'm sure you'll want to pretty it up a little and 
> perhaps limit the number of feeds being displayed. If you know XSL that 
> will be easy and we'll welcome your patches.
> To see how the feeder plugin works you will need 0.7-dev:
> cd FORREST_HOME/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.feeder
> forrest run
> http://localhost:8888
> Ross

"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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