David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Since we have a number of new developers arriving perhaps those new to
the Apache Way would like to read:

Consensus Gauging through Voting:

Which states in the introduction:

There are essentially three types of vote:

  1. Code modifications,
  2. Package releases
  3. Procedural

(note there is nothing there about decision making)

You may also be interested in this blog post and those linked from it:





(which all say much the same thing but all come from slightly different


I wounder if we should put some/all of these links into one of our mail
templates for inviting/accepting a new committer?

It would be better to distill those comments into the
top-level documents at www.apache.org/dev/
But yeah, linking to them is next best.

I like yours the most. Someone should press-gang you
into writing documents for Forrest.


The blog entry is Creative Commons licensed, I hereby give permission for someone to copy it into any relevant Apache document and relicense it accordingly.


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