On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 11:39 +1000, David Crossley wrote:
> Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
> > > Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > > 
> > > > cocoon/forrest- hackaton
> > > > Torsten Curdt has a room and passed my details to a possible sponsor for
> > > > a room. He wants to know how many people want to attend this happening.
> > > > I thought we can have here a small introduction of forrest and then go
> > > > hacking. :) 
> > > 
> > > Being now to all this, does hackaton always mean that you hack
> > > (develop) code or does it also include f2f-design sessions?
> > > 
> > > In my mind there are a number of issues hat would benefit a lot from
> > > having an f2f discussion for a proper design while implementing the
> > > stuff is rather secondary.
> >
> > +1 for design discussion *and* hacking (basic prototyping if you
> > want) ;-)
> > 
> > We can as well doing the workshop on here. 
> The face-to-face is a great opportunity to get on the same
> wavelength with the design side of things. Some bugfixing would
> be good though.

+1 for bugfixes as well. :)

> Remember to keep the dev mailing list informed, either at the time
> or summarise later. Decisions in ASF projects are supposed to happen 
> on the mailing list.


Yes, you are so right, I was thinking the same thing when reading the
mail again. 

Actually it is crucial that all f2f discussions and all proposals for
design will instantly go back to the list that the formal process is

We will not make any decisions on the design side but rather proposals
that then have to be discussed on the list. That is why I see as well to
quick prototype designs to better propose them.

> > > > ASF hackaton
> > > > Would be nice to attend that if possible with as many forrest committer
> > > > as possible. Here we could hack together some mayor features for forrest
> > > > because we could talk face to face and coordination should be easy.
> > > 
> > > I'm unclear about the difference to the cocoon/forrest hackathon?
> > 
> > :) One is from the ASFCon the other is our private arrangement. The one
> > from ASF only committers and members are allowed. The other is open to
> > public (I guess there will be some limitation by the room regarding the
> > max quantity of person).
> The main ASF-wide hackathon prior to the actual conference
> is an excellent event. It is mainly about infrastructure issues
> (which include a lot of different topics). It is also about
> cross-project issues. Basically do anything that you want there.
> It is a great chance to get to know other people beyond your project.
> At last year's US ApacheCon, this hackthon was held in a huge room
> with plenty of space. Some people gathered there to do other things,
> e.g. i got together with the Gregor from Lenya to help them get
> their project website established; Leo and Stefano from Gump designed
> a new database structure; i helped Vadim from Cocoon to update
> his ASF statistics website from forrest-0.5. The hackathon was two
> days long, though the first day might have been informal.
> --David

That sounds excellent I will be on all possible hackatons. :) 

@cheche I reckon I see you there (we do not have to pay for that). ;-) I
hope to meet ferdinand, ross and nicola (et.al.) there as well.


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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