Gregor J. Rothfuss wrote:
so initially, people could write documents in lenya, publish them, and then head over to forrest(bot?) to slurp all these pages in?

My personal view is not to use the Forrestbot, but to mod_proxy/mod_cache a live Forrest instance that gets files from a published Lenya pubblication. In this way, publishing in Lenya is the only step needed to... publish :-)

The Forrestbot is still needed though for the projects that do not use Lenya, and for the creation of daily site tarballs that can be used to get the site back up quickly in case of problems.

Aditionally, what we would need is just to add an _edit_ link to each Forrest page that points to the url Lenya uses for editing.

                               - ~ -

Looking at the Doco document [1] I see that Lenya and Forrest are not directly interacting, as both talk to a common repository.

What do you think about this architecture, is it really needed? I'm not sure it's *that* different from asking Lenya to get the docs for us, as it's a simple URL request. Basically, Lenya would be doing what the SLIDE+LENYA combo does in the graphic, thus removing the need for DASL that only Slide at Apache has, making us use Subversion.

What remains to do are diffs. I'm not sure that the mail workflow is something we really need ATM. IMHO just adding editors that cannot publish, along with diffs, is something that gives us enough control.


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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