Den 26. sep. 2006 kl. 02.14 skrev Gav....:

In this case shouldn't the fallback be defined as a specific language,
i.e. English. In which case the fallback should be
"ContractsMessages_en.xml" shouldn't it (as opposed to

Sounds like the best way, haven't tested Sjurs patches yet, but hopefully
Then that wont mean having ?locale=en in the url for the default.

Actually, Ross' suggestion would require just that, although I am a little unsure of the impact of the fact that en_US is defined as the global default language. It could mean that for that special case you would get the _en version without writing ?locale=en.

In the general case it works like this:

- when there's no locale match, the ContractsMessages.xml (without _en) will be used
- if there is a locale match, the match will be used
- if there's no match and no default/fallback file (like ContractsMessages.xml), the strings will be left untranslated

That means that in cases where the input strings (those to be translated) are themselves perfect strings in one language (say, English), *there's no need to do translation at all*. Which means that all of the following files are superfluous:

- ContractsMessages_en.xml
- ContractsMessages_us.xml (the original, with misspelled locale)
- ContractsMessages.xml

That is, you can just delete it, and the strings will appear in English if there's no match. The only benefit of having it there is to serve as an example for new translations.

Beware that when the input strings are NOT human readable by most people (like ISO 639 language codes), it is necessary to have at least the fallback file to ensure that the input strings are always translated into something understandable in some language.
