As far as I can make sense from the many comments in forrest.xmap ;-)
the processing of *.html source files happens in line 238

> <map:match type="i18n" pattern="{properties:content.xdocs}{1}.*.html">
>          <map:generate src="{source}" type="html" />
>          <map:transform src="{lm:transform.html.document}" />
>          <map:serialize type="xml-document"/>
>        </map:match>

now following {lm:transform.html.document} I find that
locationmap.xml loads a secondary locationmap in line 69

      <mount src="{forrest:forrest.context}/locationmap-transforms.xml"/>

which in turn processes our transformation in line 142

<!-- All core other transforms -->
    <match pattern="transform.*.*">
        <location src="{forrest:forrest.stylesheets}/{1}-to-{2}.xsl"/>

by looking for the stype sheet named html-to-document.xsl in any of
those locations.
Correct so far?

What I don't get is why we no longer have that idgen-step
> <map:transform type="idgen" />
which was there in 0.7 and is still used in .8 for ihtml.

Any explanations?

Ferdinand Soethe