2010/8/10 Tim Williams <william...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 7:14 AM, Vicent Mas <uve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> after coming back to the initial situation (fresh check out of the
>> repo) the problems
>> with my dispatcher seed site are obviously reproduced. When executing
>> "$ forrest run"
>> the console displays the following errors:
>> [... SNIP...]
>> fetch-plugins-descriptors:
>> Copying 1 file to /tmp/prova/build/tmp
>> Copying 1 file to /tmp/prova/build/tmp
>> Fetching plugins descriptor: http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml
>> Getting: http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml
>> To: /tmp/prova/build/tmp/plugins-1.xml
>> local file date : Thu Aug 05 11:27:45 CEST 2010
>> Error getting http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml to
>> /tmp/prova/build/tmp/plugins-1.xml
>> Fetching plugins descriptor:
>> http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/whiteboard-plugins.xml
>> Getting: http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/whiteboard-plugins.xml
>> To: /tmp/prova/build/tmp/plugins-2.xml
>> local file date : Thu Aug 05 11:31:47 CEST 2010
>> Error getting http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/whiteboard-plugins.xml
>> to /tmp/prova/build/tmp/plugins-2.xml
>> Plugin list loaded from http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml.
>> Plugin list loaded from
>> http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/whiteboard-plugins.xml.
> Why isn't it able to retrieve the descriptors?  I don't get those
> errors and it leads me to wonder whether the other errors reported are
> just side effects of this?  Can you curl/wget the descriptors?
> --tim


I don't know why I always get those errors. My connectivity to
Internet is just fine.
I've retrieved both descriptors via curl with no errors at all. Doing
a diff for comparing
descriptors retrieved via forrest with those retrieved via curl shows
NO differences. So
I assume the errors retrieving descriptors are not the main problem
(and still have no
idea about how to fix it :-(.


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