On 2018-06-05, Gavin McDonald wrote:

> Hi Gumpers,

> Over at Forrest we are getting multiple emails per day about the Forrest 
> builds timing out.

> What I’d like to work out first of all, is this down to Gump having issues, 
> or Forrest ?

Nothing has change in Gump itself and the other jobs do not end in
timeouts. This probably is a "I don't know for sure but I think it is a
forrest problem" answer :-)

Looking at the most recent log


Forrest starts and gets a ClassNotFoundException (for reasons I don't
know right now, likely a change in Batik).

Maybe, I'm not sure, but maybe the Java process running Forrest doesn't
terminate and just hangs after the exception? There might be other
non-daemon threads running? At least I don't see any hint in the log
that the java task finishes. The reason could also be a change in Ant if
Forrest terminates but the java task doesn't.

In the end Gump kills the build after 60 minutes.
