Hi folks,

Back from the mountains and in front of the keyboard again :-O

* I created a JIRA ticket and will push a feature branch soon (bad habits die 
* I will go through the licences (review and collect in "licenses" directory)
* Good point about plugin versions being defined in apache POM - will rework 
* I will delete the existing configuration of the "release" profile

Some things to discuss

* What are the benefits to move "templates" to "src/main/templates"? Currently 
they are in sync with "freemarker-cli" which is quite nice for tests & 
documentation ...

Thanks in advance, 

Siegfried Goeschl

> On 26.07.2020, at 01:27, Daniel Dekany <daniel.dek...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I said I will help in the Apache release process, so only focusing on that,
> so some points:
>   - We are required to have a so-called source release (every other
>   artifact is optional in the policy). As we are using the org.apache:apache
>   parent, that should generate that automatically, with .asc and sha512 and
>   all. But currently it doesn't, because maven-release-plugin config/argument
>   is overwritten with this: <arguments>-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true</arguments>.
>   We should keep configuring release at minimum, to avoid such accidents.
>   Maybe as in
>   https://github.com/apache/freemarker-docgen/blob/master/pom.xml#L70.
>   - I assume we also want a binary release, for the CLI only, and
>   freemarker-generator-cli-x.y.z-*app*.zip (note the "-app") will be our
>   binary release artifact. Then:
>   - It bundles some dependency binaries that are not under ASL2 license.
>      Unfortunately, the licenses of those must be included in the
> distribution.
>      See the LICENSE at
>      https://github.com/apache/freemarker-docgen/blob/master/LICENSE. At
>      the bottom, it lists the licenses, then it refers to the actual license
>      files. As we will have many licenses, let's create a "licenses" directory
>      for them. (In the future, the dependencies have to be checked
> for changes.
>      Even version upgrades my pull in sneaky transient dependencies. Some
>      licenses are not even allowed, so anything but ASL2, MIT,
>      BSD-without-advertisement-clause, will need closer attention.)
>      - I noticed that the documentation is not included in the binary
>      distribution. But because of the extra legal burden including it would
>      bring (we have fonts and icons under CC-SA and SIL OFL in the Docgen
>      output), I actually prefer that to stay like that.
>      - .sha512 file is not yet generated
>   - freemarker-generator-cli/src/site: If you agree, instead of this I
>   will create freemarker-generator*-site*/src/docgen, and convert the
>   Markdown to XDocBook. For now this will be only the CLI documentation, and
>   the JavaDoc, as the freemarker-generator-maven-plugin is not ready. One
>   annoyance I realized is that we should have Docgen in Maven Central for the
>   builds to work reliably in the future, which means that Docgen has to be
>   officially released (it never was, it's an internal tool). That would be a
>   minimalistic release, means, no announcement, no web site, just the bare
>   minimum (i.e., source release, and deployment to Maven Central). I have
>   some backlog there (Google keeps nagging me about mobile issues), but I
>   hope I can fix that in the coming days, then go through the official
>   release process (takes 1-2 weeks).
>   - Some smaller things:
>      -
>      - Having a "release" profile is also hopefully unnecessary, because
>      org.apache:apache takes care of signing.
>      - We should also remove most plugin version management, as many of
>      those versions are set in org.apache:apache.
>      - freemarker-generator-cli/templates should be inside
>      freemarker-generator-cli/src/main/templates, I guess.
> P.s.: Siegfired asked our opinions in another thread. I did my part, even
> too much (;, so, would be good if others participate in that as well.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Daniel Dekany

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