Hi Daniel,

Okay thank you for all the feedback. I will start to experiment in code a
little bit, but a few more lingering comments / questions:

# Comments
- Every project optionally ends with a jar, but again, you can tweak that
to your liking.
- Embedded Ant is pretty clean code (we use it a lot). Ant is a first class
citizen in Gradle and fully integrated syntax wise (it's not XML)
- Your comment on JavaCC is similar to multi-project architecture
- Gradle has built-in plugins for both Eclipse and Intellij with quite
powerful DSL for customization

# Questions
- The code directory structure is strange to me. By convention src means a
directory for all source code in multiple different languages. So it could
be something like src/main/java src/test/java src/main/groovy etc ...
However, you have other directories that sound to me like "resources" or
such rather than src like "ide-settings" and "manual". Furthermore, the
dist directory seems to hold generated artifacts. This should go in
somewhere under /build no? For example in Gradle the directory structure
under build contains among other directories things like "classes", "libs",
"reports", "test-results", and so on.
- I got confused by having src inside src, what does that mean? For example
.. src/main/misc/identifierChars/src/main/freemarker/adhoc
- Are you open / wanting to restructure the directory layout to something
more conventional, or do you prefer maintaining it? I ask because I think
the structure seems a bit unconventional and surprised me when I started to
look around.
- Are you folks actually using OSGI? I can see the file "osgi.bnd" in top
level directory. Is this something to worry about?
- What is the purpose of build.properties.sample?
- Do you have a preference for a remote repo? Jcenter is the biggest (
https://bintray.com/bintray/jcenter), but you might have specific
requirements from MavenCentral?

Too many questions, I know, but I'm having a bit of a challenge trying to
grok the structure of the application because this is the first thing to
define in Gradle (where things are).


Taher Alkhateeb

On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 9:40 PM, Daniel Dekany <ddek...@freemail.hu> wrote:

> Sunday, January 1, 2017, 12:32:22 PM, Daniel Dekany wrote:
> [snip]
> > Only the final results matter, which are:
> >
> > - freemarker.jar - monolithic (in 2.x.x at least), and note the things
> >   under the META-INF, and the substitutions in version.properties.
> >
> > - Maven source and javadoc artifacts
> >
> > - Manual (HTML genereated via docgen from the XDocBook file)
> >
> > - JavaDoc (with some class exclusions and with Java 8's typographic
> >   nonsense fixed)
> >
> > - Apache release artifacts (src and bin, signed and all, as usual).
> >   Note that the bin release contains the generated Manual and JavaDoc.
> >
> > - Uploading release into the Maven staging repository
> >
> > - Rat report
> >
> > - Ensure that the project works with Eclipse fine (and with IntelliJ
> >   ideally, but frankly I don't even know if the current one works with
> >   that well). In the README there's a detailed description of how to
> >   set up Eclipse, where you can describe the necessary steps.
> [snip]
> And have forgotten one:
> - Running the tests
> --
> Thanks,
>  Daniel Dekany

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