I don't think the template lookup feature based on locale is used
often in practices, either.
In FM3, I think people need to follow a guideline on how to migrate
FM2 anyway, so it seems just fine to me if we turn it off by default
as the feature requires additional IOs.



On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 5:55 AM, Siegfried Goeschl
<siegfried.goes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> sorry to skip in as FM rookie :-)
> IMHO both approaches (opt-in & opt-out) are valid but I personally lean 
> towards opt-out
> * The newbie (and casual user) is delighted if a useful feature works out of 
> the box
> * Changing the existing behaviour is an annoying (and potentially breaking) 
> change for existing users
> * Assuming that the caching works the IO is minimal even for cache misses
> * Assuming that the little IO becomes relevant those user will be heavy users 
> anyway
> Thanks in advance,
> Siegfried Goeschl
>> On 14 Jun 2017, at 11:12, Daniel Dekany <ddek...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 2:49:17 PM, brede...@me.com wrote:
>>> ‎-1
>>> I think that is one place where feature by default is better than 
>>> performance by default.
>> OK, but why?
>> The reason I prefer opt-in approach (as opposed to opt-out) here is
>> that you won't use this feature unless you are aware of its existence.
>> But if you are aware of its existence, and you want to use it too,
>> then certainly you will see that you have to turn it on. For the
>> others, who are the vast majority of users, why waste resources
>> (especially I/O) on something they will not use? For low level
>> libraries things like that mater, because you can't anticipate the use
>> cases. In some applications they may need to keep the
>> templateUpdateDelay low, and have many templates, so cache misses are
>> frequent.
>>> Are the missing files cached?
>> Yes, the fact that a file is missing is cached, for
>> cfg.templateUpdateDelay duration.
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- Denis.
>>>   Original Message
>>> From: Daniel Dekany
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 13 June 2017 13:19
>>> To: dev@freemarker.incubator.apache.org
>>> Reply To: dev@freemarker.incubator.apache.org
>>> Subject: [FM3] Should localized template lookup be off by deault?
>>> In FM2 the localizedLookup configuration setting defaults to true, so
>>> by default if you issue cfg.getTemplate("foo.ftl") and cfg.locale is
>>> en_US, then FM will look for foo_en_US.ftl, then foo_en.ftl, then
>>> foo.ftl. I think most users don't use localized lookup, and they don't
>>> realize that this is happening, while this means extra I/O.
>>> I propose that in FM3 we change the default of this setting to false.
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel Dekany

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