On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 5:25 AM, Daniel Dekany <ddek...@apache.org> wrote:
> For FM3, because the template language changes, we need to change the
> standard (recommended) template file extension. I propose this:
> - ftl to fm3
> - ftlx to fm3x
> - ftlh to fm3h

I'm fine with that. When I look up the file extension, ftl, I get a
correct information. e.g, http://www.file-extension.info/format/ftl
But, there seems to be something else associated with fm3 already.
Wouldn't be a big problem, I guess.



> Why not ftl3? Mostly because I think that "FTL" is kind of cryptic for
> the casual user (which is almost all the users for a template
> language), and so it was a mistake to introduce that term. Also in
> almost all languages, the file extensions is the same or the
> abbreviation of the project name. The user already knows that this
> thing is called FreeMarker, hence, "fm" is the most speaking
> extension. Also, we will have to clearly differentiate FreeMarker 2
> from FreeMarker 3, to avoid confusion (which Manual to look into),
> hence the "3". (BTW, back in the FM1 times the extensions was usually
> "fm"... it should have been "fm2" after that.)
> --
> Thanks,
>  Daniel Dekany

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