Friday, November 17, 2017, 3:55:22 PM, Daniel Dekany wrote:

> #assign sets the variable in the current namespace. Each #include-d

I wanted to write #import"-ed above... #include-d templates use the
namespace of the includer.

> template has its own namespace, plus the the topmost template has its
> own namespace (the "main" namespace). So if you use #assign like that,
> then in the other namespace you had to write ${}. You might
> want to use #global instead, and then the variable is visible from
> everywhere (unless it's shadowed by a variable of the same name in the
> same namespace). (It's also possible to pass back a value like
> <#nested "FreeMarker World"> and then
> <@widget.getName ; name>${name}</@widget.getName>. Also you should write
> a #function if you just want to get a value, not a macro, as that has
> a return value.)
> See also:
> Friday, November 17, 2017, 1:56:03 PM, Swapnil Mane wrote:
>> Dear FreeMarker team,
>> First I would like to thank you for creating such a nice template engine, I
>> personally liked it very much :-)
>> I need your help in an issue,
>> While using <#nested>, the variable I defined using assign is not
>> accessible in nested code.
>> Here is the more details
>> 1.) I have a macro file having Widgets.ftl
>> {code}
>> <#macro getName>
>>     <#assign name = "FreeMarker World"/>
>>     <#nested>
>> </#macro>
>> {code}
>> 2.) I have included the above file in another file using <#import>
>> {code}
>> <#import "Widgets.ftl" as widget>
>> <@widget.getName>
>>     Hi ${name!}
>> </@widget.getName>
>> {code}
>> Expected output - Hi FreeMarker World
>> Actual output - Hi
>> Here the value of 'name' variable is not setting properly if assign is used.
>> But when I set it using global, everything work as expected.
>> {code}
>> <#global name = "FreeMarker World"/>
>> {code}
>> The similar types of macros will be heavily used in my application and
>> setting it at global level will cause performance and memory issue. So, I
>> want to set value of variable using assign.
>> Please let me know if I am missing anything.
>> Thanks again for your time and contribution.
>> - Best Regards,
>> Swapnil M Mane

 Daniel Dekany

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